Energy Efficiency
The Cleanest & Cheapest Energy is that which is not used.
Reducing energy consumption not only addresses the climate crisis it also reduces ongoing energy costs making organisations more resilient to economic hard times and future legislative action on climate change by governments. It is not uncommon for energy efficiency opportunities to deliver investment returns far greater than business as usual activities and hence should be a simple decision to implement.
There are many energy efficient processes and technologies available today that can greatly reduce the consumption of energy within a business. An example is the use of artificial intelligence with LED lighting. However even with these methods and technologies available the continued growth and thirst for new technologies continues to outweigh the reductions being achieved; and energy consumption continues to grow.
The first step in reducing energy consumption is to develop an organisational culture that understands and appreciates the benefits of energy efficiency. To gain an understanding of the opportunities that are available organisations can undertake studies such as energy audits and marginal abatement cost curves.
For small organisations sometimes the cost of generating the required data to understand the benefits of energy efficiency can be prohibitive. The Carbon Reduction Institute aims to assist smaller organisations to take action by providing some tips and hints on how to think about efficiency, and case studies that show the benefit of various technologies.
NSW Energy Savings Scheme
The NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) commenced on 1 July 2009. This scheme built upon the demand side abatement achieved in the earlier NSW Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme (GGAS), which commenced in 2003 and is one of the first mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Schemes in the world.
The Energy Savings Scheme is a mandatory energy efficiency scheme that creates a market for tradable Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs). These ESCs are created by Accredited Certificate Providers (ACPs) when they undertake activities to improve energy efficiency in commercial, industrial or residential locations in NSW.
Electricity retailers in NSW are required to purchase these ESCs, creating a market and price incentive to undertake the energy efficiency activities. The Carbon Reduction Institute is an ACP under this scheme.
If you have a project or product that you believe could be eligible for the creation of ESCs in the NSW scheme the Carbon Reduction Institute can assist you by:
- Conducting a feasibility study to consider the eligibility and profitability of including the product or project in the Scheme
- Providing assistance with the creation of ESC rebates of products or projects in the Scheme
- Provide compliance of ESC generation, quality assurance, processes and procedures and other project management for the Scheme
If you would like assistance with any facet of this scheme then please contact us