NoCO2 Transport
Transportation and freight are high emission activities and therefore businesses that want to reduce or eliminate their carbon footprint need to address their emissions from these activities. NoCO2 Transport provides a value added, differentiated solution for transport and freight operators to offer customers that want to take positive action on climate change.
Under NoCO2 Transport, we undertake an assessment of the core services of the transport operator and calculate the carbon footprint per unit of measure used to calculate the freight provided to customers. Emissions associated with the movement and production of fleet vehicles are included in this calculation.
Every quarter the level of emissions for NoCO2 Transport services provided to customers is quantified and carbon credits are utilised to offset the emissions generated to achieve a carbon neutral outcome for services provided under NoCO2 Transport. The cost of carbon credits is dependent the carbon offsets chosen by the transport operator.
The Program Guide and logo provides transport operators with the tools to communicate the NoCO2 Transport offer to their customers. Business customers of NoCO2 Transport can communicate the positive action they are taking on climate change by displaying the Delivered Carbon Free logo which signifies the emissions as a result of transportation of goods have been offset to zero. Businesses do not need to include NoCO2 Transport services in their carbon footprint analysis. NoCO2 Transport can be offered through the Low Carbon Economy.