10 Steps to Lower Your Carbon Footprint

Act now against climate change. Lower your carbon footprint!

  1. Buy NOCO2 and LOWCO2 certified products and services
    Support environmentally conscious businesses and organisations by purchasing products and services that have been certified to have low carbon emissions.
  2. Talk to your employer about your workplace taking action on climate change
    Start a conversation with your employer to encourage them to implement sustainable practices and initiatives within the workplace to reduce the company’s carbon footprint.
  3. Switch to 100% accredited GreenPower
    Opt for electricity generated from renewable sources by switching to GreenPower, a program that ensures your energy comes from environmentally friendly sources like solar, wind, or hydro power.
  4. Use public transport, walk or ride a bike to work
    Reduce your carbon emissions by choosing alternative modes of transportation such as public transport, walking, or cycling instead of relying on personal vehicles for commuting.
  5. Choose energy efficient appliances
    Select appliances that are designed to consume less energy, such as energy-efficient light bulbs, refrigerators, air conditioners, and other household devices.
  6. Switch off computers and other appliances when you go home at night
    Develop a habit of turning off electronic devices and appliances when not in use, especially overnight, to save energy and reduce unnecessary power consumption.
  7. Avoid unnecessary printing and print double-sided when possible
    Minimise paper waste by embracing digital alternatives and only printing when necessary. When printing is unavoidable, use double-sided printing to reduce paper usage.
  8. Reduce your waste and recycle
    Practice waste reduction by minimising the amount of waste you generate and segregating recyclable materials. Properly recycle items such as paper, plastics, glass, and metal to divert them from landfills.
  9. Reduce and offset the use of your car and flights
    Decrease your carbon footprint associated with transportation by using your car less frequently and exploring alternative modes of travel. Additionally, consider offsetting the emissions from your flights through carbon offset programs.
  10. Raise your children to be responsible global citizens
    Educate and instill sustainable values in the younger generation by teaching them about climate change, environmental conservation, and the importance of making responsible choices for a sustainable future.

How can I reduce my carbon footprint at home

Get a home energy audit. Use Renewable energy. Purchase solar panels. Purchase carbon offsets. Set thermostats lower in winter and higher in summer. Install solar lights. Use energy-saving light bulbs. Recycle at least half of your household waste. Heating and cooling account for half of all home energy use.

Ways to reduce the carbon footprint in business

Reducing the carbon footprint in workplaces requires implementing energy-efficient practices such as using LED lighting, energy-saving office equipment, and proper insulation, while also promoting sustainable travel options, remote work, and video conferencing to minimise fuel usage.

Adopting sustainable procurement policies, partnering with eco-conscious companies, and implementing waste reduction measures like reducing packaging and implementing recycling programs further contribute to lowering carbon emissions. By integrating these strategies, workplaces can play a significant role in fostering environmental sustainability and combatting climate change.

How can I achieve carbon neutrality?

Carbon neutrality is achieved by calculating a carbon footprint and reducing it to zero through a combination of efficiency measures in-house and supporting external emission reduction projects.

Contact CRI, we can help you lower your carbon footprint and become carbon neutral. Learn more about offsetting your individual emissions.