5 of the best carbon footprint calculators
There are several online carbon footprint calculators available in Australia:
- Carbon Positive Australia: This calculator provides a detailed breakdown of your carbon footprint across different categories such as energy, transport, food, and waste. It also provides tips on how you can reduce your carbon footprint.
- The Nature Conservancy: This calculator is designed to help you understand your carbon footprint across categories such as energy, transport, food, and waste.
- Global Footprint Network: This calculator helps you understand your ecological footprint compared to the resources available on Earth. It provides a detailed breakdown of your ecological footprint across categories such as carbon, food, housing, and goods. It also provides tips on how you can reduce your ecological footprint.
- Carbon Footprint: This calculator provides a detailed breakdown of your carbon footprint across different categories such as energy, transport, food, and waste, with tips on how you can reduce your carbon footprint.
- Powershop: This calculator provides a detailed breakdown of your carbon footprint across different categories such as energy, transport, food, and waste.
- BONUS: Our own NoCO2 carbon footprint calculator: evaluates your carbon emissions and personal impact on the Earth by answering a few questions about your lifestyle. You can also assess your transportation costs and carbon footprint by using the Commuter Cost Calculator.
Using these tools can help you gain an understanding of how much CO2 you are emitting each day and make informed decisions about how to reduce it in the future. By taking action on our own emissions, we can play a key role in curbing global warming and creating a more sustainable future for us all.
What is a Carbon Footprint Calculator?
A carbon footprint calculator allows you to measure your current CO2 emissions, and to track changes in your emissions over time. Calculating your personal carbon footprint is an important step in understanding how to reduce our individual impacts on climate change.
Ready to reduce your carbon footprint?
Reducing carbon footprints comes down to personal responsibility; if we all work together collectively with good intentions and put forth effort into becoming more sustainable, then hopefully we can turn the tide against global warming and restore balance within our ecosystem.
Take action now! Calculate your carbon footprint using our Carbon Offset Calculator, or check out our Carbon Offset Guide!